Sunday, April 4, 2010


I loved reading this article and maybe because it hit so close to home. The schools in the study sounded just like my school and it gave a little bit of hope to say...hey maybe there is something we can do to improve literacy at our school...maybe this isnt just beating a dead horse.

The article was right when it cited that many students do not get reading at home. No matter how much we send home books and letters and advice on just doesnt seem to get done and that is very discouraging b/c reading at home is just as important as reading at school.

I also agree with the fact that when student lack experiences, their reading suffers. So much of our language is obtained through experiences. Going places and doing things as a child is a great way to learn. Going to museums, simple trips just to the beach or to the next town even can show so many great things and teach kids so many new words.

Our kids have never been any further than their home and school and maybe the McDonald's down the street because it is in walking distance. They lack so much because of this. When I bring lunch to school, just to see pretzel crackers or vegetable straws amazes them and they dont know what to think of them. The kids beg...can I please have one!...because they have never seen it. If it is not given to them in the cafeteria, they dont have any idea what it is. Such simple things that these children miss out on.

Often times I have thought that videos and the internet are the best way to teach my children because it shows them a picture to go along with the words. Having the resources of videos is the most important and difficult thing sometimes.

I was encouraged by this reading and love that there is some actual research going on that will be beneficial to the students that I want so badly to learn to read.


  1. I agree with you that video encourages these students. Traditionally most educators come from middle class backgrounds and we take these experiences for granted. Your post did a good job reminding me that not all of our students have the same experiences that we have had. While I'm not an advocate of using television as a teaching tool, I do see its usefulness and the scenario that you have described. Thanks!

    Anni Carroll

  2. Thank you for your post. :) I really enjoyed it... I didn't really have anything substantive to share other than I enjoyed reading your writing!
